Tips for Trudy the volunteer womble


Tuesday 14th August


Not too many more tips for you Trudy, but there are a couple,


Bring spare trainers as the ones you get are not completely waterproof and if it does rain you will have soggy feet.


If you are on directing people try and get one of those big high seats to sit on as you may be there hours.


Encourage people to smile or they wont get in.


Thursday 9th August


Tips from yesterday are -


Know your arena, if you are seating people then if you know just about where and how to get to each one you will look really impressive.


Eat well and try not to loose the will to live.


Try starting a sing song even if you don't know many words, you can la,la, la la the rest.


Wednesday 8th August - As you may have seen we met up with one of Janes friends who is lucky enough to be in the veledrome. She has sent a few more tips alongside the ones posted on the front page.


They are,


Tip 1 - remember stewards don't know everything.

Tip 2 - some rules aremade fdor brreaking.

Tip 3 - make sure you dont go for food at the end of the service session, you may end with a palte of peas.

Tip 4 - arriving early for your shift does not guarentee you a good job, just a necessary one, which is usually back of house.

Tip 5 - take the job that seems good when it is offered, waiting for a better one is not advisable.


Ellen was lucky enough to see the two golds and the silver in the veledrome yesterday and is moving onto BMX today.


Another tip is remember your waterproof as the weather has and Im sure will be very changeable.


Things to say to visitors


"Show me your tickets"

"Wave your tickets in the air like you just don't care"

"Don't pass me without smiling" 


Saturday 4th August - update from Olympic Park, top tips are to "be prepared", it is ok to accept sweets and treats from strangers, keep shouting keep to the left, it is ok to encourage singing especially "if you are happy and you know it shout we are"


As some of you know Trudy will be volunteering at the Paralympics, as we will have seen many venues and many volunteers we thought we would pop some tips and pointers on here that may be of use. At future events we will try and get some actual tips from actual real live volunteers.


Firstly the guys are dressed in purple and what we are now calling burnt orange uniforms, we think this is a slightly better combination than the garish green the security guys wear. Judges seeo to be in blue.


Tips to date we would suggest are


Be quirky and funny and know your stuff, the first day at Wimbledon a few were bemused, so try and be confident and knowledgable even if you dont know the answer.


Make sure you use your big pink foam pointy finger, they look  good and fans love them.


Make sure you say hello to everyone, practivce it alot as you will use this word alot. Try and master it in more than one language.


Be patriotic but also supportive of other nations.


Try and get stationed on one of the big high rise chairs with a megaphone as you can the banter with the masses.


Try and get stationed inside an event rather than outside, you will see more.


High fives and kissing seems more than acceptable.


More to follow as we gather more data