Wenlock and Mandeville


8th September & 9th September


Well we have to be up super early today. We are packed ready to go, back thankfully in the grey rucksack which tends to be more organised. We have to change trains at Swindon and Manderville meets Lara, (Wenlock already has), she of course nags us to have her photo taken and even though we haven't sorted our fur out as its so early we oblige.


Once at Paddington we say farewell and check into the hotel. The beds here are very comfy so we know we will have a good sleep later.


Today is going to be a long day. We go to some more swimmin, boy its hot in there and its always very loud with the humans often screaming at the swimmers to go faster!!!!! After this we are outside for some tennis, it is also hot up in these stands and we are grateful later in the day when we head to the rugby as this is indoors and somewhat cooler. After a really hectic day we head back to the hotel which is very busy as the Proms have been on (we don't see a Prom's mascot as hoped) so after a quick night cap we head off to get some sleep.


Sunday is our last day, we hope we don't get put in a cupboiard somewhere on our return. We are re-assured that Saffy will love us but we are not so sure about being constantly licked or carried around in her mouth. Apparently this is a risk to anything soft and cuddly at home so we need to make sure we are ready for this.


Anyway back to the last day, we take in the park and chat together about the experience, we are both close to tears for much of the day, but also laugh alot as well as it has been fantastic. On the way in the humans ask two armed policemen if they would mind having their pics taken with us, one is fine about it but the other doesn't lookmas comfortable as we all pose for the shot. The football is good to watch and after the last match we head out of the park. On our way out we stop a poor Russian lady who has some gold medal flowers from the medal ceremony and another snap is taken. Then finally on the way out a lovely soldier alsp agrees to have his picture taken, he says he has only had it taken with one mascot so feels very honoured to have his picture taken with both of us.


Once back in Cheltenham we feel very emotional and are placed carefully on the sofa to watch the closing ceremomy. We find this too much and are overcome with teary emotion as are the humans.


What will we do to fill this void. Luckily we have not been washed by Saffy yet but we have nearly been sat on and squashed by Patsy.


I am sure we will have future adventures, but right now we need to reflect on this one and get settled in our new home and deal with redundancy.


7th September


Well what a few days we have had. On the weekend we travelled down to London. We chatted away on the journey and both being mascots we have lots in common. Manderville was abit worried about going through the scanners at security but I told him not to worry, once you have done it once you will  be used to it. We enjoyed the atheltcis and I was glad to be back in familiar territory.


Back at the hotel we had a lager and glass of wine to chill out before heading to bed.


On saturday we had to wake the humans up as they were very tired. We were at the swimming today and it was very warm. Unfortuantly when all you have is fur you can't really dress for the venue so we were quite warm most of the time. We are glad we dont have to go into the water as soggy fur is not a good look either.


We then head to the blind football where it was very quiet so we took the chance to pop back into the rucksack and catch up on some sleep, we popped out for team GB and they did really well.


More swimming later and we join in the cheering for Ellie Simmonds, I think the humans will lose their vocies as they were screaming at the top of their voices then crying when she won (you humans are a funny lot).


Well that was another day done and sunday is another busy day of events, we continue to be photographed at every opportunity, which we happily do as the fee will come in useful in our retirement.


Another train journey and we are home. We agree with the humans to stay in the study area so we are ready for the trip thursday and we have emails to catch up on.


Apparently on thursday we will be in the blue rucksack we are slightly dubious about this as this is Miss O's rucksack and she tends to have lots of ad hoc stuff in hers and we are worried that we may be stuffed in head first. We will also apparently be meeting some Y11 boys who are also going, we think it will be ok but hope they are not to overawed at meeting us.


Thursday comes and luckily we have a reasonable amount of room and are packed the right way up. We have our photos taken with the lads and they seem quite keen to meet us and we all get on famously.


Another long day but we have a day of rest before we head off again on saturday.


31st August


Hi its us two reporting in from the rucksack, we travel in the grey adidas item most  of the time but do get out for events and to chill in the evenings.


We seem to be getting on well and are both looking forward to our trip to London. Wenlock has been passing on tips and says to make sure you sit upright in the rucksack as being on your head for two hours on a train is not very comfortable.


So here we are sitting tall and waiting for the off. GO TEAM GB!!!!!


Hi Wenlock here, as you know I was the face of the Olympics, the humans bought  me home and I have had to get used to 3 cats, one of which (Saffy) is quite barmy, she keeps knocking me off wherever I try to sit as she is quite clumsy but thinks she isn't. Eddy is the lovely little cute one who keeps herself to herself most of the time but us very friendly. Patsy is very big and can be a bit scary when her and Saffy fall out but she sleeps alot of the time and as I like to do that these days we get on just fine.


As I enjoyed the Olympics so much the humans have asked if I would like to go to the Paralympics. I jumped at the chance and my bag is packed and I am ready for our trip tomorrow.


I will be apparently meeting someone called Mandeville and I am assured we will get on just fine. I will keep you posted on events.